
Dynamic search ads with low CPC

Dynamic Search Ads campaign (DSA) has as many enemies as people who can’t imagine a Google Ads campaign without it. I am, of course on the other side, although I’m not pushing this type of ads in every campaign of my clients. However very often I use it to “catch” very cheap clicks and this […]

Dynamic Search Ads campaign (DSA) has as many enemies as people who can’t imagine a Google Ads campaign without it. I am, of course on the other side, although I’m not pushing this type of ads in every campaign of my clients. However very often I use it to “catch” very cheap clicks and this trick I decided to share with you today. CPC are getting higher, so it’s good to be able to attract users at a lower price.

What will the DSA campaign with a low CPC give us?

At the beginning, it is worth pointing out that this is an additional campaign and will probably not generate a lot of traffic. Think of it as an addition to the entire campaign and as a “patch” that will work when the budget of other campaigns runs out.

Thanks to Dynamic Search Ads campaign at low rates we will reach a very small number of users, but the cost per click will be very low (a few / dozen cents). If this campaign will convert, then the cost per conversion will probably be lower than other campaigns.

In addition, the campaign will help us catch new (cheaper) keywords from search keywords. Thanks to this, we will be able to develop our campaign with new keywords with less competition.

How to create a DSA campaign with low CPC?

We create a DSA campaign just like a regular search campaign. Immediately under the network selection (we only select the search network), we pull down more settings and then select “Dynamic Search Ad settings”, enter the domain, choose the language and go to further settings.

Dynamic search ads

Then choose targeting, language and choose a bid strategy. Remember to choose ‘Manual CPC’. This is not Google’s recommended choice and it is not included in the proposed options. We must click “Or, select a bid strategy directly (nor recommended)”. Then we choose our strategy and move on.

Manual CPC

Then we add extensions and create ads. Remember to set the right CPC. In the beginning, a few cents will be enough. If the campaign would not want to move, then you should slightly increase the CPC and watch.

What do you need to remember?

There are three most important things to keep in mind when creating and optimizing a DSA campaign with low CPC. The first is to use only the “Manual CPC” bidding strategy. No enhanced CPC or other automatic settings. If we forget about it, CPC will rise and our cheap ads are gone.

The second important thing to remember is the exclusion of landing pages to which we do not want to direct our users from advertising, e.g. Q&A, contact or blog (although the last one may work quite well).

The third important thing is to check your search terms frequently and exclude those that are unrelated to our business or product.

I hope this little trick will be able to get conversions at a low cost and develop your campaign with new, maybe not so obvious keywords.


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